eReflex 55RW Inset Electric Fires


The smallest in the eReflex Inset range, the Gazco eReflex 55RW electric offers a recessed, built-in aesthetic for a conventional, single-sided installation. Combining triple LED systems with a deep fuel bed, the innovative electric fire has three stunning flame options to select from including Amber, Blue and Amber with Blue Accent.

This electric fire comes with an elegant thermostatic handset that gives full control over the fire’s host of features and can be enjoyed with or without any heat.

Key Facts

Brand Gazco
Remote control Yes
Three different flame options Amber, Blue, Amber with Blue Accent
Chromalight Immersive LED system Yes
Flame and fuel effect lighting can be enjoyed without heat Yes
Choice of fuel effects Logs, Grey & Clear Pebbles and Crystal Ice-effect
Thermostatic remote control for ambient heating Yes

eReflex 55R (formerly Skope) Information

Fire Size A B C D E F G
eReflex 55R 600mm 600mm 620mm 780mm 300mm 57mm 657mm

eReflex Electric Fires Video


The smallest in the eReflex Inset range, the Gazco eReflex 55RW electric offers a recessed, built-in aesthetic for a conventional, single-sided installation. Combining triple LED systems with a deep fuel bed, the innovative electric fire has three stunning flame options to select from including Amber, Blue and Amber with Blue Accent.

This electric fire comes with an elegant thermostatic handset that gives full control over the fire’s host of features and can be enjoyed with or without any heat.

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