Sheraton 5 Wide Wood Burning Stoves & Multi-fuel Stoves

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Continuing the Sheraton range’s period styling, the Stovax 5 Wide wood burning and multi-fuel stove offers a more expansive flame view than the 5, with a slimmer depth – whilst still providing a 5kW heat output suitable for standard room sizes. Featuring bevelled door frame with matching cornicing to the cast iron top and bottom, the Stovax Sheraton 5 Wide is available in electric, wood burning and multi-fuel versions.

Key Facts

Brand Stovax
High Efficiency Woodburning: 76%
Multi-fuel: 79%
Cleanburn & Airwash Yes
Nominal heat output and range 5kW (2.5-7kW)
Dedicated External Air Kit Optional
Smoke Control Area Approved as standard* Yes
Wood burning & Multi-fuel models Yes
Ecodesign Ready† Yes
Convector Stove Yes
Optional longer legs Yes

*Subject to official listing.
†Multi-fuel version only.

Sheraton 5 Wide Information

Model Width Height Depth Weight Efficiency Energy Efficiency Class
Sheraton 5 Wide Standard 581mm 703mm 317mm Woodburning: 83kg
Multi-fuel: 110kg
Woodburning: 76%
Multi-fuel: 79%
Woodburning: A
Multi-fuel: A+
Sheraton 5 Wide Long Legs 581mm 749mm 317mm Woodburning: 83kg
Multi-fuel: 110kg
Woodburning: 76%
Multi-fuel: 79%
Woodburning: A
Multi-fuel: A+

Sheraton 5 Video