Reflex 75T Edge Gas Fires

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To compliment the stunningly realistic flames created by the innovative burner system, the Edge gives Gazco’s Reflex 75T gas fire a clean surround with effortless style and integrates within any interior. These gas hole-in-the-wall fires are ready to be installed as a frameless ‘Edge’ installation, but can also be enhanced with a range of frame options for further styling.

All Reflex 75T fires come with a Programmable Thermostatic Control, the Gazco Harmony10. With this, the homeowner can set daily and weekly schedules to get the most out of this fire’s 8.6kW heat output, as well as control the flames and the EmberLight LED bed to create a cosy atmosphere at any time.

Key Facts

Brand Gazco
Fuel Bed Logs
Linings Brick effect, Ledgestone Effect, EchoFlame Black Glass, Fluted Vermiculite & Black Reeded
Conventional Flue Yes
Balanced Flue Yes
Non-reflective glass front Yes
Natural Gas or LPG Yes
Fits into a standard 36″ chimney breast Yes
LED Lighting Effects Yes
Harmony10 Programmable Thermostatic Remote Control Yes
No Air Vent Required (Balanced Flue only) Yes
Optional smartphone or tablet control Yes

Reflex 75T Edge Information

Fire Heat Output Fire (w x h x d) Frame (w x h ) High Efficiency Energy Efficiency**
Reflex 75T CF 8kW 877mm x 896mm x 328mm 797mm x 711mm 72.8% D
Reflex 75T BF 7.8kW 877mm x 896mm x 328mm 797mm x 711mm 82.8% B