E-MATRIX 800-500 III

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The new, electric e-MatriX fires are exactly what you would expect from a fire and they’re electric. Built into your style, even where a gas fire or a wood fire is impossible. Of course, you can enjoy the typical Faber flame effect. The fire and sound created by water mist and electricity. You don’t need a gas connection or a flue. This makes the new e-MatriX stylish, sustainable, and smart.

A beautiful Faber fire to your personal taste and interior design requirements.

With the e-MatriX Burner you can enjoy a playful, three-dimensional flame effect that moves up from a glowing bed of ash between the logs.

An ultra-thin flexible water hose and a regular socket are all you need for the connection.

The fire can be built-in with the glass flush against the surround.

Optional Extras: Top & Bottom Light is LED lighting that enhances the fuel effect. Clearview glass gives unobstructed view of the burner.

Key Facts

Brand Faber
Fuel Type Electric
Type Indoor
Model Built-in
View Type Three-sided
Shape Landscape
Burner Type E-matrix
Lighting Module LED
Decoration Type Logset
Backwall Black Glass Optional
Remote Control Type e-MatriX
ITC Controller No